The Ninth Constitutional Convention of the Congress of Union Retirees was held October 6-8, 2009 in Ottawa.
The Convention began with an evening on the pension crisis and what should be done about it. During the Convention, a major paper on pensions was debated and adopted. Download the complete paper on pensions.
Cara Macdonald, National Representative with CAW who advises on pension issues in negotiations in a variety sectors, gave an overview of what has happened to negotiated plans in the private sector.
Danny Mallett, Director of the CLC Political Action Department, gave the details of the CLC action program to achieve pension reform.
Joel Harden, National Representative in the CLC Social and Economic Policy Department, who handles pension issues for the CLC outlined the overall situation around pensions and the CLC policy to remedy the problems.
Bob Baldwin, retired Director of CLC Social and Economic Policy Department and member of Advisory Panel to the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions, reviewed the results of the BC – Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia commissions on pensions.
Other resolutions which were debated and adopted.
Julie White of Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union gave a presentation on pharmacare which the delegates heartily endorsed.
Barbara Byers, CLC Executive Vice-President, spoke to the CURC Convention on pensions, the employment crisis and the role of retirees. Click here for a video interview that Straight Goods made with her at the Convention.
Malcolm Buchanan, President of CURC Hamilton Area Council also spoke with Straight Goods.
Harry Hynd, former Director of USWA, District 6 spoke with Straight Goods as well.
Several of the delegates expressed their views on pensions:
The Convention paid special tribute to outgoing President Dan McNeil and Treasurer Margaret Klym.
A new executive was elected.