CURC’s 14th Constitutional Convention
October 13, 2022 at 4:00 PM This is a virtual event
The Fourteenth Convention of the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada will take place virtually on Wednesday, October 12th and Thursday, October 13th, 2022 starting at 12:00 p.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EST each day.
Please note registrations will be accepted up to Wednesday, September 21st, 2022.
The delegate registration fee is $35.00 and the Guest (Observer) registration fee is $20.00
- Please note that for any cancellations, an administration fee of $20.00 will be withheld.
Payment Options available:
- A cheque for the appropriate amount must be sent with your registration form. Please make cheque payable to the “Congress of Union Retirees of Canada” or “CURC” and mail to: 2022 CURC Convention Registration, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 8X7
- If you prefer to email the registration forms please send them to: You may also pay by e-transfer at Funds will be deposited directly to the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada bank account.
Article VII of the Constitution sets forth the entitlement to delegates and rules for resolutions. The relevant sections read:
Section 3: Local branches, clubs and chapters of union retirees affiliated to CURC shall be entitled two (2) delegates for each one hundred (100) members to a maximum of eight (8).
Section 4: Each area council of CURC shall be entitled to two (2) delegates for the first two hundred (200) members and an additional delegate for every additional three hundred and fifty (350) members or major fraction thereof.
Section 5: Federations of union retiree organizations shall each be entitled to two (2) delegates.
Section 6: National organizations of retirees of unions affiliated with the CLC shall be entitled to two (2) delegates each.
Section 7: Organizations representing retired officers and staff of affiliated unions and CLC shall be entitled to two (2) delegates.
Section 8: Elected Officers and Executive Committee members shall be delegates to Conventions by virtue of their office.
Section 9: Any resolution to be accepted by the Convention must be submitted by an affiliated local organization of union retirees, a municipal or regional division thereof, or a federation, or national affiliate or the Executive Committee, or organizations representing retired officers and staff of affiliated unions and CLC; be signed by the presiding officer and secretary; sent to the Recording Secretary no later than seventy- five (75) days before the Convention; and be limited to one hundred and fifty (150) words and one (1) topic.
Affiliation dues must be paid in full in order for your delegates to attend. For those who have paid their affiliate dues for the current year, you should have received a receipt via email.
Links to the delegate registration/credential and observer forms are attached. Please ensure that the appropriate form is completed. It is imperative that the email address of the delegate, alternate, or observer on each of the forms be legible. The email will be used for access to the two-day virtual convention.
You can email a copy of the forms, or send them via Canada Post mail. Please ensure that the payment is included either by cheque or e-transfer as previously indicated.
Resolutions must be received at the CURC office by noon (12 p.m. EST) on July 29th, 2022. You are reminded of the 150-word limit. Resolutions over the word limit will be rejected. Resolutions must be on national subjects and have requirements for CURC action as distinct from other labour bodies or government action in general. Resolutions may be sent by mail to the CURC Office 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7, Canada, or by email with a scanned signed letter from the affiliate to with the subject line clearly marked “CURC Resolutions” or faxed to 613-521-4655. If at all possible, we request that you send them electronically.
Enclosed you will also find the nomination form for the 2022 CURC Award. For a nomination to be accepted, it must be received by mail (or email) in the CURC office at 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON K1V 8X7) no later than August 15th, 2022.
Important for Election Day:
Article V – OFFICERS
Section 3: Election of Officers
Each Officer shall be a member in good standing of the Congress of Union Retirees (CURC) and a union retirees organization affiliated to CURC or Chartered organization of CURC.
All CURC officers and members of the Executive Committee must hold individual membership in CURC before they are eligible to run for office in the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC).
For your information, the CURC Constitution can be found at this link
We have also attached the affiliate and individual membership application forms.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to with the subject line clearly indicating “Query – 2022 Convention”.
If you wish you can also communicate in French.
Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez communiquer en français.
Lucienne Bahuaud
CURC, National Treasurer
2022 CURC Registration Credential (EN)
2022 CURC Observer Registration (EN)
2022 Revised CURC Resolution Form (EN)