CURC holds largest ever convention
The Congress of Union Retirees of Canada marked its 20th Anniversary with its largest convention ever. The opening night panel featured Ed Broadbent and Hassan Yussuff. It was webcast in both English and French. Six hundred people followed on line and submitted questions. Videos of presentations by Broadbent and Yussuff will be posted on the CURC website.
The Convention was held October 22 – 25 in Ottawa. This was one day longer than previous Conventions. The extra time was needed as 76 resolutions were sent in and all but 6 were debated and adopted. The adopted resolved section of the resolutions will be posted on the web site.
The Convention also heard speakers on homecare, pensions, pharmacare, social media and the CLC Fairness campaign.
All federal MPs were invited to meet the delegates at a reception. Delegates had good exchanges with the MPs that accepted the invitation. Photos from this night and the convention in general are available on the web site.
Bill Harford stepped down from the executive and was replaced by Janice Gairey.